In my studies, I recently completed and submitted all 8 of my due assignments, but not within the amended timeframe, as it was changed.
The amazing thing is that I contacted my university to confirm the due dates because the changes made on the website conflicted with the dates printed on the written material.
The university rep consulted her senior and then advised me to follow the written material. I later found out that the rep had misinformed me.
Now, what you will find even more amazing is the following: I have no grievances and have come to accept that the 2 late submissions are part of life. You see, I also remember saying that it would have been in my best interest to hand in all 8 assignments as soon as possible.
Over time, I have come to learn to admit when I am wrong. I find that when there is a difference of view between my partner and me, I can admit when I was wrong.
Many people believe that if we admit we are wrong, it is a shortcoming in one’s character, but it is the opposite. It takes somebody with greater character to make the admission and say it.
Also, across the world and in South Africa, things are never as straight forward as we’d like them to be. Take the example of you needing to deposit money into somebody’s account.
Also, across the world and in South Africa, things are never as straight forward as we’d like them to be. Take the example of you needing to deposit money into somebody’s account.
First you need petrol but that particular station doesn’t take cards. Then you drive to the bank but the road has changed due to road works. You eventually find an ATM, it is still there but it’s not working.
So we have come to know, or must now learn to expect that you may not always simply be able to fill up, park and withdraw to make a deposit...