“Life is progress not a station." Chinua Achebe
I think that to accomplish the great things in life, you must not only act but also dream. You must not only plan but also believe and have faith in yourself.
I think that to accomplish the great things in life, you must not only act but also dream. You must not only plan but also believe and have faith in yourself.
That’s why I feel that that one day I will be of high quality.
Growing up in a small village and being raised by a grandmother was not easy. Even though I feel that I am still climbing Mount Everest, I still have faith.
I believe in my self, which is why one day I will worth a billion dollars!
That is said in jest but it is not a joke.
Nothing comes easy because if it does, you’re unlikely to value it much.
Nothing comes easy because if it does, you’re unlikely to value it much.
I believe that the greatest sense of accomplishment is achieved through hard work.
I am very much touched about you advice LR. You are the hero in making.