I have been approached by a few staff members who asked why we encourage everyone to write blogs. As one person put it "This is not what accountants do!"
When Robin and I discussed the idea about a year ago, the thinking was to give more insight about RAiN, from the perspective of the people who work here, to potential new employees (i.e. outsiders looking in).
What has now transpired is that from the writing we see each person in a very different light. It is giving us an opportunity to peep into the soul of each staff member as they share their experiences.
When Robin and I discussed the idea about a year ago, the thinking was to give more insight about RAiN, from the perspective of the people who work here, to potential new employees (i.e. outsiders looking in).
What has now transpired is that from the writing we see each person in a very different light. It is giving us an opportunity to peep into the soul of each staff member as they share their experiences.
What has been the most interesting revelation is that we have seen how colourful each person is. This is something I am sure would have remained hidden had it not been for the blogs.
In the short time that this has been going, we have seen tremendous upside which we had not thought of when we came up with this idea.
In the short time that this has been going, we have seen tremendous upside which we had not thought of when we came up with this idea.
Everyone is being given a sheet of paper to sketch who they are, and not allow the work environment to determine who or what they should be, which is exciting.
The initial blogs have been more serious and focused on the challenges of settling down with work and studies. I see this is as an essential first phase of everyone's growth and development.
The initial blogs have been more serious and focused on the challenges of settling down with work and studies. I see this is as an essential first phase of everyone's growth and development.
The next stage will be recording victories or success stories, be it at work, in studies or personal.
It is important for the history to be recorded accurately. The best way to ensure that happens is for everyone to write their own history.
It is important for the history to be recorded accurately. The best way to ensure that happens is for everyone to write their own history.
You will look back in two or three years' time at what you have recorded and will be amazed at your development both as an individual and in your career.
RAiN as a firm will also have benefited, as we will have a much greater appreciation of what makes each one of us really tick (other than IFRS, review notes, long hours etc.).
RAiN as a firm will also have benefited, as we will have a much greater appreciation of what makes each one of us really tick (other than IFRS, review notes, long hours etc.).
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