Most of the 2009 intake have now completed their first audit assignments and it is quite incredible how they have grown.
It was just a few weeks ago that I could sense the fear when I walked down the passage in the open plan office where they all sat.
They would bury their heads in whatever they had on their desk and the body language screamed out, "PLEASE DON'T STOP HERE, CARRY ON TO YOUR OFFICE!" And when I got to my desk and sat down calm returned in that area.
Now I even have some walk into my office to ask questions! When I ask how it is going with their work, I see that broad smile first then their eyes light up and I am given a detailed explanation.
I can see the pride and sense of accomplishment in their facial expressions. These are the same people who when asked the same question four weeks ago gave one word response - "Fine!!"
There is complete confidence in their own ability now. I recall having one of them tell me a few weeks ago, with tears in her eyes, that she only had four years university experience and could not do things on her own.
She was convinced that her whole world was falling apart. Today she questions me as if she needs to check that I am on the right track.
It is exciting to see what comes next because I think they are now convinced that they can conquer the world.
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