Monday, March 30, 2009

Title is not a substitute

by Marco Pete

As a student once and subsequently a lecturer, I realised that there are four types of lecturers, namely those:
  • who are not technically strong with no lecturing ability

  • who can lecture but are not technically strong

  • who are technically strong but cannot bring over the topic to the student, and

  • rare persons that can both lecture and are technically strong.

By the same token, I have noticed with managers and professionals that you get those:

  • who are not technically strong with no people skills

  • who are technically strong with no people skills

  • who have the ability to handle people well but are not technically strong, and

  • rare persons who are technically strong and have wonderful people skills and can handle relationships well.

We are all unique individuals with various talents and abilities, strengths and weaknesses. We need to realise that we may not always have the skills or abilities to handle all situations that are presented to us.

Unfortunately, people who cannot handle a situation often become defensive. In some cases that person might attack the other person, without considering that it may be themselves that are at fault.

By being aggressive, the first person does not realise that they could adversely affect the morale of the other person and the performance of the business.

Ultimately we need to learn about our strengths and weaknesses, recognise those situations in which we are not well suited, and make the effort to call for help when needed.

In the end we have all come to this earth to gain experience and to grow as a person.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Vision and Poetry

by Robin Wheeler

Are you working surrounded by your vision?

Are you facing the highs and lows of the now with the realisation of your dream holding you in its palm?

Let me share a vision and a dream with you. This blog is becoming a book. You are writing a book with your life.

We are going to put it out and market it soon, as soon as it is written. You will be an author who has shared your deep learning for the benefit of others.

Are you feeling that in your day to day adventure? Or are you focusing on and growing your problems? Are you missing the marvelous?

As an accountant, are you balancing your intellectual acumen with heart-felt poetry? Are you seeing brighter colours and feeling stronger passions?

Tune in, feel the love that life is really about, bring it to your valuable work, and write it down...

Maybe we can

by Precious Mona

We have less than a month before we cast our votes to elect our new president. Some people claim they already know who is going to win these elections whereas some people are hoping for change.

I live in Soweto and it is so fascinating to see politicians campaigning and even visiting homes of pensioners in our area, promising all sorts of things.

Poor people are offered food vouchers and some houses are renovated by our councillors. It’s really intriguing that now it means we must vote for them!

Do I vote for the person who only comes once after 5 years to shower me with gifts like Father Christmas? Or do I vote for the guys I often see on those debate shows telling me how they can improve what the ruling party is doing for me or that they can deliver what the ruling party has not done in the past 15 years?

My take on the state of affairs in our country is that we need change.

I don’t know if the ruling party can deliver that, or if the main opposition party can do better, or if the new kid on the block can rectify the mistakes of the ruling party, or if maybe the underdogs can bring about the long awaited better life for all.

Come 22nd April 2009, I will be clued up about who will get my vote. In the meantime, I will be entertained and informed by the live debates on my TV screen.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Probe and differ

by Hayden Jacobs

I feel a bit guilty as I normally set myself a target of blogging every Friday.

The truth is that my heart simply did not feel like blogging. And I have held a philosophy all my life: Do something with ALL your heart or don't do it at all…

I discovered an amazing reality the other day while watching television. It was mentioned on the news that those energy-saving light bulbs, which were being so heavily promoted, contained some hazardous mercury.

The point is that people are so used of accepting as truth what 'experts' say, that they don’t probe into their own inner thoughts.

Take for example the simple 'fact' that the earth was once said to be flat. It took a particular man to probe further that earth might not be flat and it is now known that the earth is round.

I wonder what would be the case today had that particular man not initiated to differ.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A touch of sanity

by Marco Pete

Why do we need people to threaten one another before something gets done?

Why must business and life be approached from the point of view that one group must dominate another?

We live in a new democracy. Can we not learn from the lessons of our nation? Can we not learn to live with one another in harmony?

We all have wants and desires. So let us sit around a table and deal with these differences in a constructive and open manner.

Let us communicate effectively, taking into account both parties points of view and then coming to a decision that will benefit both parties.

A touch of sanity needs to prevail to keep the peace in business and the country.

Our differences make us stronger. Our diversity makes us unique. Our brand will be in who we are as a firm, as a people and as a country.

By accepting our differences and rejoicing in our diversity, we as a firm and a nation can only grow from strength to strength.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vincent Van Gogh

by Retief Venter

“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.”

Simplicity is the answer to complex questions. The way Vincent spoke was through his paintings. Blue, purple, grey.

He was a man who was way ahead of his time, and for some reason the people whom he could have guided did not seem to recognize him …

Isn’t this still the case today? Do we give enough credit where credit is due?

We as a firm should not write off any contribution. We should strive to utilize every individual's talent and to capitalise on any gap in the market.

We can only do that if we work together as one. Our focus should, thus, be mutual.

Therefore, I challenge every person in the firm to reach beyond their comfort zone to give everybody the credit they are due.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Beneficial Hobbies

by Albert Wessels

I don’t want to write this blog to brag or for people to treat me differently, but this is a huge part of my life.

After hours and on weekends my hobby is kickboxing! I love the sport. I’ve done it for thirteen years.

This is no cliché, but when I do this sport, I am free. I can be anything I want to be. For those couple of hours a week, nothing else matters…

I was chosen after the South African Championships at the end of last year to represent our country at the World Champs in Paris, France at the end of 2009.

This is a dream come true. I don’t think anyone could know what this means to me. I’m going to be well prepared!

I think everyone should get a hobby outside their work environment. It helps you keep a balanced life.

The confidence I get from my hobby helps me in every aspect of my life.

I am grateful that I can share this wonderful priviledge with everyone.

Remember, change your thought and the world around you changes!

Monday, March 9, 2009


by Lungile Phakathi

"The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.’’ Helen Keller

When you look at the structure within the firm, you realize that as a trainee you are at the bottom of the hierarchy. At that level, it is tempting to think that you are of no great significance to the organization compared to your seniors and managers.

This is to some extent true but when you get to read such encouraging words by Hellen Keller, you realize that to build something huge, you need an honest contribution of every worker regardless of the level they occupy and its size.

Politicians often say that if you want something said, ask a man, and if you want something done, then give it to a woman.

From that I have realized that we do not adopt a political approach at RAiN. If I were to look at politically speaking, I would say that here we are we all women!

Are we not?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Meaning of work life

by Jacob Allies

Here are some suggestions based on my experiences of work life:
  • Always work under pressure so that if pressure is required, you will manage

  • We need to work with the mindset of not being an employee but as if we are shareholders, so work with purpose and give your best efforts as if you are a partner

  • It should be compulsory to be tolerant of the imperfections in others

  • Let the experiences at work, good and bad, mould and shape our character for the best outcome

  • Creates meaning for our future, which should take us above our differences.

Road to success

by Lawrence Ramalepa

"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." Papa Ezekiel Mphahlele

I still believe and dream about my future. People should strive for happiness in their workplace and their careers. Also, balance needs to be worked at.

If you’re in a business situation or career where you’re happy then you’re successfully in my view. That’s why you must thrive in your career, but it doesn’t come naturally, as I see things.

I have realized that if you want to achieve something, it needs a lot of effort and hard work. I intend to follow that route. I want changes in my life, it's transition time.

That’s why I can’t wait for April to register for my course and study hard harder and harder. Because where there is light there is a future.

And I don’t just meditate about this, I pray about it. I want to make it happen.

For now my goodness keeps me surviving and my royalness keeps me alive.

Business wisdom

by Lisa Cecchin

"Charm is a way of getting the answer without asking a clear question." Albert Camus

We all choose the way we would like to be perceived at work. Some of us are more open and friendly while others are closed and distant.

Why should we worry about how we are perceived? We’re there to work. You might make friends or not, but ultimately we are here to make a progression in our career.

The two don’t seem to correlate; one is personal, one is professional professional, yet they are inseparable.

Together they can create a great synergy. They determine what kind of employee you are and for what kind of employer you might become; charismatic, friendly, encouraging, or cruel, rude and sarcastic.

The bottom line is, which approach will get the work done? I’d say the person who manages to gain respect without position or social status.

It’s strange to see the article clerks in a position that I used to be in, unsure how they will fit in.

They are still unaccustomed to work goals, deadlines, and the realization that working creates money and our favorite slip at the end of the month.

If I could go back in time and tell myself some valuable knowledge, I would say:
  • Use the time in articles to determine what kind of person and employee you are

  • Assert yourself and, as soon as work starts rolling in, learn us much as you can

  • Make goals for yourself in line with the company goals

  • Become who you want to be.

Don’t be scared to show empathy. Understanding a person’s situation does not condone poor performance or bad behavior from yourself or your work colleagues.

So I leave you with a quote from Franklin P Jones:

“Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger”

Thursday, March 5, 2009


by Retief Venter

Looking back over the past month or 3 I have noticed few things:

  • Time flies… In the short time I have been here there have already been a few new intakes. It all happens so fast.

  • There will always be friendly faces in the office. In the RAiN environment we do not have to go far. With Jacob, Nathalie, Lawrence and Marco you’re always sure of a good time.

  • Fridays are the least productive day of the week. Enough said. And how we love them.

  • Blogging is becoming easier!

  • The tax ladies get to work each morning a 6:15, except for the day after the budget speech. Wonder what happened there?

  • There will always be time for a cup of coffee at the office.

  • The average person needs just 5min more sleep