Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Probe and differ

by Hayden Jacobs

I feel a bit guilty as I normally set myself a target of blogging every Friday.

The truth is that my heart simply did not feel like blogging. And I have held a philosophy all my life: Do something with ALL your heart or don't do it at all…

I discovered an amazing reality the other day while watching television. It was mentioned on the news that those energy-saving light bulbs, which were being so heavily promoted, contained some hazardous mercury.

The point is that people are so used of accepting as truth what 'experts' say, that they don’t probe into their own inner thoughts.

Take for example the simple 'fact' that the earth was once said to be flat. It took a particular man to probe further that earth might not be flat and it is now known that the earth is round.

I wonder what would be the case today had that particular man not initiated to differ.

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