Also, across the world and in South Africa, things are never as straight forward as we’d like them to be. Take the example of you needing to deposit money into somebody’s account.
By the same token, I have noticed with managers and professionals that you get those:
We are all unique individuals with various talents and abilities, strengths and weaknesses. We need to realise that we may not always have the skills or abilities to handle all situations that are presented to us.
Unfortunately, people who cannot handle a situation often become defensive. In some cases that person might attack the other person, without considering that it may be themselves that are at fault.
By being aggressive, the first person does not realise that they could adversely affect the morale of the other person and the performance of the business.
Ultimately we need to learn about our strengths and weaknesses, recognise those situations in which we are not well suited, and make the effort to call for help when needed.
In the end we have all come to this earth to gain experience and to grow as a person.
Don’t be scared to show empathy. Understanding a person’s situation does not condone poor performance or bad behavior from yourself or your work colleagues.
So I leave you with a quote from Franklin P Jones:
Looking back over the past month or 3 I have noticed few things:
Running the race with this game plan allowed us to remain in control of the race and not be controlled by it.
As we approached the bright flood lit stadium, we were able to pick up some speed. When we entered the stadium the crowds were cheering us on and we had a very strong finish.
Looking back at the approach to the race, I think applying the same methodology to my CTA will be instrumental in me completing my degree successfully.
From the start, work at a steady, controlled, consistent pace, always keeping the end result in mind.
Do not despair when it gets though, just keep on persevering and moving forward, especially when you are tired, when doubts start creeping in and so many 'runners' are falling to the wayside.
Just keep moving forward...
The work experience I gained was splendid, in a work environment that inspired me to try and aim high.
I aspire to take my place among the stars and for this I say to RAiN...